About Pharmtec Corporation

Pharmtec Corporation is an Ohio-based company who, designs, manufactures and markets a variety of consumer products including My Very Own House®, The Guarden™, Elite Cedar, MyVeryOwnGuarden™, Buffet Buster™, NetProtect™, Tree Protect™, PERMASE™, and Shrub Guard™.

We care about our children’s real world as much as their imaginary world, so, all our playhouse products are made from bio-degradable, eco-friendly materials (including recycled content) that are formaldehyde-free and completely recyclable.

We care about keeping jobs in the U.S., our products are sourced, manufactured and assembled right here in the States.

Our mission is to provide customers with easy to use, versatile, high-quality products at the best possible value. We strive to meet or exceed customer expectations through innovative design, workmanship and materials.

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